This calculator is designed to estimate the tax outcomes of a potential 1031 exchange transaction, including:
- 1) The amount of capital gains deferral (the tax benefit) from the 1031 exchange
- 2) The amount of capital gains (if any) that would potential recognized from the 1031 exchange
- 3) The amount of total basis for the replacement property for investment holding / for the purposes of tax depreciation (if the property were to be rented out).
Disclaimer: The results provided by this tax estimator are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as official tax advice. These estimates are intended for high-level reference before consulting with our tax professionals. They are not meant for submission to the IRS or any other tax authority. For an accurate and comprehensive tax assessment tailored to your specific situation, please schedule a consultation with one of our experts. Use of this tool does not establish a client relationship.